The Pulse Crew 2016-2017
Eric R. Larson
Technology Education Teacher
Red Productions Adviser
Mr. Larson has been teaching video for the past 16 years at Manchester High School, Manchester, CT. He has developed classes at MHS that include an entry level video production class, a studio production class, Sports Broadcasting and Broadcast Journalism. Within these classes students produce news production programs featuring The Pulse and Manchester Monthly. Mr. Larson was a former video technician for the Connecticut Air National Guard of 9 years. Now, Mr. Larson loves being able to teach students his passion, video production, and set students off onto career paths in the film and broadcasting industries. As a board director of The Student Television Network, Mr. Larson enjoys the opportunity to work with, and collaborate with the nation's leading video educators to build a strong legion of tomorrow's storytellers.
Ryan Jones
Social Studies Teacher
Mr. Jones has been involved with the Broadcast Journalism program for the past three years as a co-teacher and co-adviser. Every day, he is reminded of the amazing students and opportunities we have here in Manchester. Apart from learning the nuts and bolts of video and news production, he assists the team in working to tell our school and community story. He thinks it is exciting to help students to work on improving their writing, research and interviewing skills.


Ben Roy
Grade: 12th
Period 6 Director
Ben is the vice-president of the senior class and president of the National Honors Society, as well as one of the seven directors for The Pulse. He joined broadcast to become part of the great student-led news program our school has to offer and get to make an impact on the Manchester community. In the future, he would like to go into a career in the business/finance field and have some type of leadership role.
Carolyn Miner
Grade: 11th
Period 6 Director
Carolyn Miner has been involved with broadcast and video production classes since her freshman year at MHS. She is now a junior involved in the Girls Swim Team, Track & Field Team, World Language Club, Red Productions, LINK Crew, and part of the Medical Careers Academy. She joined broadcast because she loves creating new things as well as sharing important topics with the community. Carolyn hopes to pursue a career in the medical field in her future.

Daisy Gonzalez
Grade: 12th
Period 7 Director
Daisy Gonzalez has participated in the broadcast journalism for three years, going on her fourth. She has also taken sports journalism. This year she is the director of period seven. Her future may include continuing her broadcast career.
Emily Madden
Grade: 12th
Period 7 Director
This is Emily's third year as broadcast. Not only is she director of broadcast journalism she is also director of RedProductions as well. Emily enjoys swimming for the school as she is a captain and loves to swim in the summer for her club team. Her passion for swimming carries over into her Volunteer job for IOH, A program where instructors help and swim with handicapped and disabled individuals. After high school, Emily hopes to be a news producer in the future.

Kate Regan
Grade: 11th
Period 6 Director
This is Kate Regan's second year taking Broadcast Journalism. In the future she plans to find a career in Broadcast Journalism or Nursing. Outside of school, Kate plays for CT Polar Crush Softball.
Mia Hickey
Grade: 12th
Period 6 Director
Mia Hickey is a senior director in her second year of being a part of The Pulse! She has played volleyball for 4 years at MHS, and is involved in Red Productions. Mia is also a member of National Honors Society and LINK Crew. One of the reasons why Mia joined broadcast was to tell stories and meet new people. In her future, Mia hopes to be a homicide detective.

Tyler Barry
Grade: 12th
Period 7 Director
Tyler is a director of the period 7 class this year. In the future Tyler would like to continue with communications throughout college. He wants to become a camera man or photographer for a large sports company.

Antonio (Tony) Mascitti
Grade: 12th
Period 6
Tony is this year's MHS varsity football captain. Tony is very outgoing and loves to hang out with friends and family. He enjoys anything to do with football and food. As seen in this photo, he also enjoys fishing.
Glaiza Fuentes
Grade: 12th
Period 6
Glaiza is a senior at Manchester High School and is in their third year of Broadcast Journalism. They also are apart of Manchester's Cheer team and also the Track & Field team. Glaiza plans on pursuing a career in Psychology and Journalism after college.

Hunter Donovan
Grade: 12th
Period 6
Hunter is in his second year of broadcast journalism. He loves meeting new people through telling stories for The Pulse. Also, Hunter enjoys telling the stories of Manchester and getting to share them with the community.
Jack Larson
Grade: 11th
Period 6
Jack is a senior at Manchester High School. He is a member of the PAC academy and is involved with Cross Country, Indoor and Outdoor Track, Red Productions, the Concert Band, and the PAC advisory board. Jack joined broadcast in order to learn more about the process of telling news stories. He is interested in a career in the communications field.

Jackson Converse
Grade: 11th
Period 6
This is Jackson's first year of broadcast Journalism and third year of video/studio production. He enjoys playing baseball and he plays for the MHS team. He joined Broadcast because he really liked video production last year.
Jared Lindstrom
Grade: 11th
Period 6
Jared Lindstrom joined broadcast because he enjoys learning about what goes on behind the scenes during a newscast or sporting event that is being televised. After high school Jared is planning on going to college and is hoping to become a physical therapist. Outside of school, he is a three-sport athlete. He hopes to play football in college.

Makalah Winful
Grade: 11th
Period 6
Makalah joined broadcast to extend her editing skills for out of school hobbies. Editing has always been a hobby, but taking it to the next level is definitely a goal. In school however, Makalah's Spanish class has always been a favorite of hers because it's easy and fun to learn.
Matt Cote
Grade: 12th
Period 6
Matthew Cote is a senior at MHS and is in his first year of broadcast. He is a captain for the varsity soccer team, and is involved in link crew. In his future, Matt hopes to continue his soccor career at the collegite level.

Sam Belcher
Grade: 11th
Period 6
Sam has a big interest in sports, and would be described as a sports fanatic. He joined broadcast because he's interested in the craft, and wants to test himself in the environment. Sam aspires to be a sports broadcaster/journalist later in his life.
Ty LeGeyt
Grade: 12th
Period 6
Ty has been in broadcast for three years now and originally joined broadcast to get more time behind the camera and to strengthen his story telling skills. After highschool Ty plans to go to college to get a business degree and to later get into finance. After college, he plans to save up and move to Texas.


Anthony Lorenson
Grade: 12th
Period 7
Anthony is a very relaxed and fun person. Yet, he knows when things need to get done and when ro get serious. Anthony also is a big sports fan and thought broadcasting would be great for a future career. He thinks this because he would meet to new people on the way.
Benjamin Earle
Grade: 11th
Period 7
Ben Earle is a Sophomore in Manchester High School. He enjoys playing videogames and producing music in his free time. Ben plans to continue creative work in the future.

Benjamin Donahue
Grade: 11th
Period 7
Ben is a student at Manchester High School. He joined broadcast because he has grown to find passion in working to create content. From pre-production to post-production, Ben has been working with video since grade six. He is a member of the Medical Career Academy at the high school and plans to become a pharmacist in the future.
Dylan Jackson
Grade: 12th
Period 7
Dylan Jackson is a very hardworking and determined person. He enjoys playing and watching sports like baseball, basketball, football, golf, and snowboarding. His goals are to play baseball in college at a high level and be successful.

Jakub Pawlik-Mazowko
Grade: 10th
Period 7
Jakub P-M is joining our school this year as an exchange student from Krakow/Poland. He is very excited to have the opportunity to try new exciting things. He has a passion from the cinema, dreams of writing acclaimed movie reviews, and becoming a celebrated critic. Jakub looks forward to bring MHS students and staff interesting stories, fascinating interviews, and the benefit of his brilliant personality this year.
Jason Skoog
Grade: 12th
Period 7
Jason is a senior at MHS who is excited to report on the Manchester community. He runs Cross Country and Track at MHS while also playing guitar in the MHS Jazz Band. He is interested in finding the small things that make Manchester unique and showing it to the students at MHS.

Jonah Nielsen
Grade: 12th
Period 7
Jonah has been in broadcast for two years. He is an active member of the MHS community, participating in baseball during the spring. Out of school, Jonah works at the Dairy Queen at 684 Hartford Road in Manchester.

Liliana Hernandez
Grade: 10th
Period 7
Liliana is a Sophomore here at MHS. She loves to help people which is why she wants a career in the medical field. Liliana plays soccer year round, and she also runs track. She joined broadcasting because she likes to work with others as well as dig deeper into the community and the people apart of it. Liliana also took video production last year and really enjoyed that class.
Madelyn Spina
Grade: 10th
Period 7
Madelyn is a Sophomore here at MHS, and loves working on the Pulse. She's apart of the swim and golf team, and participates in ski club. She looks forward to her period 7 class every day she has it, and enjoys working with others to make this production.

Mia Gilbert
Grade: 10th
Period 7
Mia is a sophomore at MHS who participates in cross country, basketball, and track. When she gets older she wants to work in the medical field. She joined broadcast journalism because it seemed like a very fun class.
Olivia Ramsdell
Grade: 11th
Period 7
Olivia is a junior here at MHS, and is actively involved in her community. Besides being a part of the Pulse in school, she is on both the volleyball and softball teams and is in ski club as well. She is very excited to try something new and be part of this amazing program!

Summer Garrepy
Grade: 11th
Period 7
Summer Garrepy is a junior at Manchester High School. She joined broadcast to express her interests in videography. Aside from The Pulse, she is a member of ski club. Outside of school she enjoys hanging out with friends and volunteering in the community.